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Levetec   Powerful Edgers

        Avenger S250                                               
Avenger S250 Edger

The Avenger S250 Edger is a multi-functional machine. Most edgers of this format are a On/Off type machine without variable speed. This is critical to keeping the tools on the ground at different grits. Additional features are adjustable wheel height and grinding head angle. 
        Hand Grinder Solutions                                               
Milwaukee Concrete Grinder L-1200 $499.00
The L-1200 is designed from the ground up to be a concrete grinder. It runs from 0 to just over 1700 rpm Max, not thousands of rpm's that are for metal grinders. Concrete is best ground and polished at low speeds where the tooling stays on the work piece and does not burn up your tooling. The L-1200 Kit comes with a heavy duty rubber dust shroud with a open or close flap for grinding along a wall or out in the open. You can run 7" metal grounding wheels as well as resins on the included Velcro disc. It has a 5/8th 11 thread arbor and comes with the nut and tool to hole mount tooling The L-1200 is designed to be used with any of Levetec's HEPA vacuum's.

Levetec Electronic Polisher/Grinder $198.00
The Levetec Electronic Hand Polisher and Grinder, provides exceptional performance and industrial strength to meet even the most demanding industrial applications where aggressive take up and consistant removal are required. This highly well built and versatile unit is supplied with a Electronic motor control. Comes with dust shroud, Hose and Velcro Disc for the above price. The Polisher is designed to be used with any of Levetec's Hepa vacuum's  

Levetec Hand Grinder


Levetec's Tooling for
Grinding & Polishing Concrete & Natural Stone

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